This east view from the abandoned right-of-way in what would become Augusta Dr. shows that in 1965 the land along the SN in this area was unchanged from how it appeared after the Moraga Company planted these orchards earlier in the century. With this in mind, details of this area will be presented.
L120-05-Louis L Stein Collection, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 75329sn, (Image 1 of 16)
This west view from 1935 shows the final turn from Valle Vista into Moraga. The red arrow marks the small cabin located between the Moraga Creek and the right-of-way, close to where the spur to the eastern-most quarry was located. For an additional view of this cabin of mystery, refer to the Landmark “The Curve, Three Quarries...”
L120-10-Pacific Aerial Suveys, Courtesy East Bay Regional Park District, USNPS-11-E, (Image 2 of 16)
A north oriented aerial comparing the area in 1928 vs. 2016. The yellow line marks the SN right-of-way that corresponds today to Augusta Dr.
L120-15-Courtesy Earth Sciences and Map Library, University of California, Berkeley and Google, (Image 3 of 16)
The turn was an excellent spot to photograph a long freight from the rear of the train with a northeast view, whether it was circa 1941, left, or circa 1950, right. The photo on the left photo was taken by Jim Spencer, the one on the right by Don Olsen.
L120-20-Moreau Collection, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 89865sn, L, 82361sn, R, (Image 4 of 16)
Images from excursions were also popular, here a southeast view of SN 1005 and MW 302 from a BAERA-sponsored outing from July 6, 1952 ...
L120-25-Roy Proffer Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 93779sn, (Image 5 of 16)
... or this southwest view of MW 302 and Salt Lake and Utah 751 from the BAERA-sponsored excursion of July 4, 1950.
L120-30-Arthur Lloyd Photo, Courtesy Arthur Lloyd, (Image 6 of 16)
Moving just a few feet to the east of L120-30, the next series of photos will feature sweeping views of the turn, starting with this southwest view of SN 1014, SN 1005 and the Bidwell parlor car from the last day of regular Sunday service, June 29, 1941.
L120-35-Ken Kidder Photo, Courtesy Arthur Lloyd, (Image 7 of 16)
SN 1014 has completed the turn and has reached the mystery cabin in this northeast view from July 16, 1939.
L120-40-Wilbur C Whittaker Photo, Courtesy Arnold Menke , (Image 8 of 16)
Another northeast facing panoramic view with a two-car passenger train from Aug. 27, 1940.
L120-45-Roy Covert Photo, Sappers Collection, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 75181, (Image 9 of 16)
Next, an east view of SN 1011 heading to Oakland from June 22, 1940.
L120-50-Wilbur C Whittaker Photo, Courtesy Arnold Menke , (Image 10 of 16)
A four-car train speeds around the turn in this northeast view from 1939.
L120-55-Charles Savage Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 10128sn, (Image 11 of 16)
Presented here, a three-car train led by SN 1010 starts on the turn one-half mile from central Moraga on May 30, 1939, northeast view.
L120-60-Wilbur C Whittaker Photo, Courtesy Arnold Menke , (Image 12 of 16)
We know for sure that the sign in L120-60 indicates one-half mile from Moraga based on this northwest image of a two-car train on Aug. 3, 1940.
L120-65-Roy Covert Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 93158sn, (Image 13 of 16)
Reversing the view to the southwest, SN 1012 leads a two car train towards Moraga on May 30, 1939. The back of the “Moraga Half Mile” provides an extra landmark for this dramatic image.
L120-70-Wilbur C Whittaker Photo, Courtesy Arnold Menke , (Image 14 of 16)
Back to a northeast view, SN 1012 begins its entrance to the turn in 1939. The placard indicating that mile 18 from San Francisco has been reached can be seen on a pole far up the straightaway. A more experienced eye could also see the position of the trestle over the Moraga Creek that will be featured next.
L120-75-Charles Savage Photo, Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 10117sn, (Image 15 of 16)
The trestle over Moraga Creek has been reached by SN 1005 and MW 302 during a west view of the BAERA-sponsored excursion of Aug. 10, 1952. The tour of Valle Vista and Moraga is now complete, and continuing to Moraga from this point can be accomplished by returning to the Landmark update, “Central Moraga - Moraga Creek to the Barn.”
L120-80-Courtesy BAERA, Western Railway Museum Archives, 87340sn, (Image 16 of 16)